Way of perceiving business with AR
Ravishka Weerasinghe , University of Kelaniya

Augmented Reality (AR) comes with Virtual Reality (VR) technology but both contrast as VR transports users to a virtual world while AR bridges digital content to the real world. They are just not the frontiers of technology and realms of blending humanity with digital world technology. Therefore, delving into VR and AR opens the doors for the 4th industrial revolution with immersive experiences (Machała, S., 2022).
Augmented reality is a 3D technology in which digital elements are overlaid in real-world environment settings (Walentek, D., & Ziora, L. 2023). Instead of wearing VR goggles or headsets, AR allows users to observe their surroundings and move freely with the digital objects or contents of 3D models, videos, images, and animations in the real world in real-time. With these experiences, users may immersively and interactively engage with 3D forms breaking the gap between virtuality and reality. When it comes to distinguishing AR from other aspects of virtual reality technologies. Milgram’s Reality-Virtuality Continuum claims that the spans between the real-world environment and the virtual-world environment contain augmented reality(AR) and augmented virtuality in between, of which AR is proximity to the real world and AV is proximity to a purely virtual environment. While AR enhances the user’s perception of interaction with the real world, VR sends the user to a synthetic world separating from the real world. In the meantime, mixed reality (MR) gratifies the users of VR and AR at the same time.
From the 1st industrial revolution to the 4th which comprised artificial intelligence, enterprises have upgraded and updated with different technological phases extending new advancements to business management. Furht, B. (Ed.). (2011) shown that VR, AR, and MR have made big trends in management including human resources, marketing, engineering, entertainment, etc. Since recently AR has grown more and would be a game-changer in several disciplines in business management. Immersive experiences, interaction, and simulation shape the perceptions of business holders, employees, and customers who pursue business modules in the 21st century. Nevertheless, embracing AR in people management is a big challenge as it curtails employees’ interaction in the real world. Any initiatives should be started with people even if they are resistant. In people management, 3D avatars, VR career Fairs, and VR tours change the way of staffing (Muhanna.,2015). For retention, the simulation training experience is a new adventure for development that creates real-world scenarios without risk or damage: such as pilot simulations and driving simulations. Also, with marketing management, AR creates a console that unleashes a new face in promotion and servicing. AR marketing packs can create simulations that offer customers with “taste”, “test”, and “fit” of products virtually before they buy. VR fitting room uses augmented reality(AR) to add new experiences for e-commerce users, rather than buying at home, now they can taste as well (Veliu, Z., 2022).
Dreams are not far away anymore, AR technology makes dreams true by showing 3D prototypes, it would have dreams until we see the physical prototype. In the field of engineering, AR is used in numerous ways to visualize the product or architecture design. The entertainment industry is also again lifting the financial head with these digital 3D contents.
Undoubtedly, it causes somewhat negative effects on users also, However, it depends on the ways how they apply the respective technology to different scenarios. Among those, techno-stress, digital toxins, loss of real sense, ethical violence, and job insecurity are prominent. Some users are addicted to filling their indulgences through this VR platform. For example; sexual content or any other prohibited content. Another major problem is that employees are being out of digital well-being and that adversely affects their professional and personal life as well. Further, the VR & AR benefits package fires off some occupations, damaging the country’s gross domestic production (GDP).
Even though technology has released a set of new aspects during the past decades, people are still wandering to have new experiences. Reality technology also known as AR, VR, and MR offers immersive and simulation experiences to users that they never had expected. of which, VR enables a user to interact with a sensory environment that fosters artificial three-dimensional visual (3D) while AR creates a real-time integration of physical real-world space that has blended with digital information. So, both show how humanity interacts with digital environments. Meantime, business organizations in the 21st century are keen on reality technologies for their business applications (Bhakuni, S., 2023). Operational excellence, immersive product experience, quality decision-making and problem-solving, and customer satisfaction emerge in the business management and forward them to their strategic objective also.
Despite the values of strategy from AR in an enterprise, it surprises all of us by showing some diseases in health, society, and economics. AR has been named technical devil since it ruins the well-being of the people. Being isolated and lacking in relationships makes people away from the real world. Not only that but also, nowadays, people used to have fun, joy, and indulgence with MR content. However, it may cause financial loss directly and indirectly since it puts down people from every aspect of life.
In conclusion, whatever technologies come, as an intelligent user, you must be able to decide how to apply them to your life in fruitful ways. Then, technology would never overcome people’s ability, thinking, and knowledge even in future technological revolutions.
Bhakuni, S. (2023). Application of artificial intelligence on human resource management in information technolgy industry in India. The Scientific Temper, 14(04), 1232-1243.
Furht, B. (Ed.). (2011). Handbook of augmented reality. Springer Science & Business Media.
Machała, S., Chamier-Gliszczyński, N., & Królikowski, T. (2022). Application of AR/VR Technology in Industry 4.0. Procedia Computer Science, 207, 2990-2998.
Veliu, Z. (2022). The application of AR/VR technology in e-commerce.
Walentek, D., & Ziora, L. (2023). A systematic review on the use of augmented reality in management and business. Procedia Computer Science, 225, 861-871.
Ravishka Weerasinghe
University of Kelaniya