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Research & InnovationScience Insider

Do you have friends who are identical twins?

Vidunenahawula Website (National Institute of Fundamental Studies)

Do you have friends who are identical twins? When they are young it is very hard to identify each other. But when they get older you identify each other and it will become more easier if they raised in different environments. Though they have the same genome why are they different? This is due to the epigenome. Epigenome means that DNA modification that occur that do not change the DNA sequence but affects gene activity. Factors such as diet, exercise, stress can make these changes. These factors can make the gene in the DNA to hide. So, the trait doesn’t appear. As an example, if we take identical twins, they have the same gene but if one twin is influenced by these factors that twins’ gene hide concealing the trait. This result in a change between the two twins.



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