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Artificial IntelligenceMainSlideMust Read

Artificial Intelligence: Enhancing Lives through Simulated Human Intelligence

“Our intelligence is what makes us human, and AI is an extension of that quality. Artificial intelligence is extending what we can do with our abilities. In this way, it’s letting us become more human.” — Yann LeCun. [1]

Therefore, Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation of individual intelligence in a machine that is programmed to suppose like humans and imitate their conduct. This was first introduced to the world by John McCarthy in 1950, who was an American computer scientist. This is a deep-dive machine learning which is used in the role of solving complex issues in this ultra-modern world. Accordingly, the techniques like machine learning, expert system, robotics, and other applications really help to co-operate in this sector to co-ordinate with AI in the modern world. So, this vast technology is beneficial for all of us to make our lifestyle easier with the utilization of smart applications.

Consequently, in this system we can identify some characteristics like; identify the changes in the external environment without human intervention, the ability to develop the intelligence, needed to make decisions, the ability to develop knowledge through experience by itself, and the ability to adapt and act according to the process occurring in the environment, it is very specific in their goals, Artificial Intelligence is accurate, constant, inexhaustible, etc. Accordingly, artificial intelligence also contains emotional computing or affecting computing which is defined as the ability to detect and appropriately respond to its user’s emotions and other stimuli. These technologies are known as emotional intelligence which is a subset of artificial intelligence. Specific applications of AI include expert systems, natural language processing and speech recognition, and machine vision. Below are some techniques used in AI technology to make the system more complex and creative.

Technique. Description.
Search techniques The Searching technique refers to the ability of the AI agent who is searching for the goal. For example: in the chess game the software agent is finding the winning state of that game.
Expert systems This system is designed to solve complex problems with reasoning using stored knowledge.
Natural Language Processing Natural languages are programmed algorithms that are used to recognize and understand human language.
Speech Recognition Algorithms that are used to recognize words and voice notes
Computer vision and scene recognition Algorithms that are used to elaborate and understand visual contents in scenes taken by cameras.
Machine learning A technique used to learn hidden patterns in data. This is also an algorithm that is developed by human programmers.
Neural networks. The neural network is molded according to the human brain which is used to recognize things. The neural network is used to make investment decisions, recognize handwriting and even detect bombs.
Fuzzy logic This is a method of reasoning that resembles human reasoning.
Genetic Algorithm They are commonly used to create high -quality solutions for optimization problems and search problems.

(Table 1: Major techniques used in AI technology) [2]

“It’s going to be interesting to see how society deals with artificial intelligence, but it will definitely be cool.”

—Colin Angle.  [3]

Currently, there are a lot of uses of this intelligence. It provides email services to filter and search incoming emails. (Content prioritization) Users can train their spam filters by marking emails as “spam”. Also, Online services use artificial intelligence to personalize our experience, services like Amazon or Netflix. As well as applications that use artificial intelligence to optimize speech recognition functions. Examples include intelligent personal assistants like “Amazon Alexa and Apple’s Siri”.

Now let’s see some more instances where AI technology is used and how it co-operates according to the given interference.

  • Multi- agent system, is a computational environment in which individual software agents interact with each other, sometimes in a cooperative manner, sometimes in a competitive manner, and sometimes autonomously pursuing their goals accessing resources and services of the environment and occasionally producing results for the entities that initiated those software agents. Examples of multiagent systems are: Air traffic control systems, Air tickets and hotel room reservation systems, weather forecasting systems, Tsunami warning systems, etc.
  • Chatbot: usually this “chatbot” is used as a software agent who replies to customer inquiries without taking a long time and it interacts with texts or voice to clear out the customer’s doubt. Chatbots are trained and programmed in the language and other external things to co-operate with the customer in a friendly manner. [4]



(Figure 1: how chatbot is activated)


Self-driving cars: self–driving cars or auto-pilot vehicles are capable to travel without human intervention and humans only need to feed the location and this vehicle automatically comes to the given location. The first self-driving car was introduced by Ernst Dickmanns in the 1980s in German. This autonomous vehicle is a combination of computerization, image identification, and more deep technology. For example, a car can monitor the emotion of all occupants and engage in additional safety measures, such as giving a warning message when the driver is feeling sleepy.

(Figure 2: how Tesla is generated in the modern world)


  • Robotics: This is a field where artificial intelligence is commonly used in the modern world. These robots are handled by inserting a programmed language and neural network together with fuzzy logic which helps the robot with algorithms and the robot is trained to perform according to the external environment. As humans have sensory organs the robotic agent has been replaced with cameras, infrared range finders for the sensors, and various motors and actuators for effectors. In AI robotics is encoded with bit strings to perform actions accordingly.
(Figure 3: how robotics is reactive for the external environment)


  • “Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is a believer in the potential of artificial intelligence, repeating often that he believes models like the one at the heart of ChatGPT are the most important advancement in technology since the personal computer”. – Bill Gates. [5]
  • Apple Siri and Amazon Alexa: These are two digital personal assistants that are smarter and capable to communicate with humans and satisfying human requests.
  • The Deep Blue computer is a better chess player since 1997. (In 1997, a chess battle competition was held between Deep Blue and the chess champion Garry Kasparov).

Artificial Intelligence is formed with a combination of all those specific applications that are mentioned above to interpret programmed language and to act according to the external environment without any human interventions. So, through the usage of this technology it is very beneficial to automate the process and, in the meantime, to speed up and to make the task more efficient in the workplace, it has the ability in decision making, also through AI we can analyze a vast amount of data quickly and make it easier to access and make our work more comfortable by using this technology. Finally, by benefiting from this technology, we can make our lives professional and reduce our workload, release our stress together it helps to live a happy, healthy, and wealthy life.

(Figure 4: AI technology)


[1] https://phonexa.com/blog/10-shocking-and-inspiring-quotes-on-artificial-intelligence/#:~:text=Here%20are%20some%20positive%20quotes%20on%20AI%3A,-%E2%80%9CI%20imagine%20a&text=%E2%80%9COur%20intelligence%20is%20what%20makes,more%20human.%E2%80%9D%20%E2%80%94%20Yann%20LeCun

[2] A/L Syllabus

[3] https://www.google.com/search?q=robotics+technology&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwil9P790eOAAxXK5TgGHalXDS8Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=robotics+&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQARgBMgQIIxAnMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEUP8GWMkYYLpVaABwAHgAgAHAKYgBqZYBkgEDOS00mAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=SQveZOWrNMrL4-EPqa-1-AI&bih=651&biw=1366

[4] https://www.google.com/search?q=chatbot&source=lmns&bih=651&biw=1366&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjpopzp0uOAAxVi2zgGHV-4ANUQ0pQJKAB6BAgBEAI

[5] https://ramaonhealthcare.com/bill-gates-explains-why-we-shouldnt-be-afraid-of-a-i/


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