Did you know that an optical fiber cable is made up of thousands of fiber strands and a single fiber strand is as thin as a human hair?
Vidunenahawula Website (National Institute of Fundamental Studies)
Did you know that an optical fiber cable is made up of thousands of fiber strands and a single fiber strand is as thin as a human hair? They carry information in the form of light. The phenomenon of total internal reflection is used in optical fiber cables to transmit the light. A cable is a cylindrical glass with a high refractive index. If the laser strikes the interface at an angle greater than the critical angle, the total internal reflection will happen and the light will reach the other end. The structure of the cable is made up of two separate parts. The main part of the cable which is in the middle is called the “core” and that’s the bit the light travels through. Wrapped around the outside of the core is another layer of glass called the “cladding”. The cladding’s job is to keep the light signals inside the core.