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New FindingsResearch & Innovation

Vertical Axis Wind Turbine of Twin Vanes

K.B. Sirisoma

Graphical Abstract;

Fig 4:

Explains us, if the system had the single door instead of  twin type vanes,  it would be subject to a precipice condition  of power generation due to the unfavorable effect of centrifugal force at the  function of doors.

Fig 6:

Explains us that by using the proposed system of twin type vanes causes such precipice condition to avoide3d, where as the system experiences a smooth power generation.


Fig 7:

Explains us that  large no. of individual waves create together by the same set of doors which shall be causing to be representing as a resultant wave of strong by replacing all the individual small waves.


Present technical problem:-

How to  do the necessary power generation as lucrative manner as fulfilling the increasing populations’ interest by using the renewable  energy only.

So far by the horizontal axis wind turbines or by the vertical axis wind turbines were  used by the world, could satisfy the people  as each type of them was being inherent to typical technical problems as they couldn’t achieve their target. In the meantime hydro-power utilization in the present world has gone to its peak level while  the solar power generation being used , is limited to less than 12 hours even on a sunny day. The power by the use of petroleum is costly because it limited resource and such contributes to environmental pollution drastically.



Proposed vertical axis wind turbine of twin vanes shall be able to prevent from  the above mentioned all the technical problems of inherent to them whereas it shall be in the conditions of improved facilities such as no environmental pollution, no cost involvement with the quantity of usage of resource and the possibility to install at a lower cost. Finally, all the people in the country shall be made available the power.



The proposed type is  also the story type as the same as the other vertical axis wind turbines of story type introduced, as each vane consists of  doorframes , their doors inside the doorframes, stoppers to the doors attached to the doorframe, a handle to hold up the twin vane, finally, after completion of the product, it shall be looking as a rotor, as such doors have the acute sense to the wind around. Specially, such rotor of the system is similar  to a spiral type staircase. The particular twin vanes in the system, perform as replacing the steps of such particular spiral type stair case. Each twin vane has a same angle to each successive twin vane.

A set of particular doors fixed to a vane of a particular twin type vane,   experiences the opening and closing at once, whereas  as opposed to the  remaining set of doors laid in the remaining vane of the same twin vane always as such one particular  set of doors of a particular vane of a twin vane, is prepared to open either clockwise or counter clockwise respectively, followed the other remaining set of doors of the twin vane is prepared to open either counter clockwise or clockwise respectively. A twin vane is laid horizontally at a particular height and a terminal of such  twin vane   has been fitted to the center shaft with a handle and the remaining free terminals clamped to each other, follows the setup  to be facing only the fresh air always.

When a twin vane begins to be  launching  as favoring the wind direction, its one set of doors possible to open clockwise direction, is  already launched its operation of opening by themselves while the other set also which is prepared to open counter clockwise  is beginning to launch of operation of opening.

As finished up of such moment in the wind by a twin vane, it can be seen that the set of doors, which prepared to open  clockwise only, has come up to the closed up state due to the wind force as favorable  to them while the other set of doors remained  opened up state as those doors  undergoing the effect of the wind force against their closing.

In the same cycle itself by the twin vane, sometime after the above scene, it can be seen that the doors possible to open counter clockwise is also beginning to be closing gradually and such phenomena is to be finishing up when the doorframe has come up as to be the perpendicular situation to the wind. At such movement the doors which are prepared to open clockwise beginning to be opening due to heavy centrifugal force striking as unfavorable manner on such doors closed.

As the system  is continuing further, its launch can be seen, as that the doors possible to be open clockwise are at their fully open up state of 90° to the doorframe while remaining set is continue to be closed up state, such phenomena by the all doors are continuing until the twin vane turned as parallel to the wind, so the latter set of doors only, are  contributing the harness.

As such phenomena,  it is understood that the swept area necessary to create the harness by the has been expanded as large as double  the swept area by the system of single door type vanes.

Fig–1, is  diagrammatic view of the system to be developed, which exposes all the devices in it, such as all the 6 twin vanes are laid down, tightly and horizontally being fitted to the center  shaft, since  a particular twin vane is laid down at a particular height, follows that such particular twin vane  is exposed in the fresh air always.

Fig -2,  is the over view of the rotor as being exposed all 6 no. of twin vanes about the center shaft, followed as the  twin vane laid at the lowest position represent the first step of the spiral type stair case and the twin at the top position represent the last step of the same spiral type stair case  The other  remaining  4 twin vanes are laid in between as to be steps of. In such case the lowest twin vane lies right below the twin vane at the top level, is  understood  that each twin vane has a particular height. In this case the angle between each successive  twin vanes  has the same angle of 72°.When the function by the system, each twin vane can equally contribute to the harness.

Fig–11, is the diagrammatic view of a particular pair of doors operating whereas each open and close opposite   to each other whereas each has been attached to  separate vanes of the same twin vane. Each  set of doors of a particular twin vane, that are laid in the same vane itself. is to be functioning as a set and also each set of vane can  opens or closes either  clockwise or counter clockwise while the other remaining set of doors of the same twin vane can open or close either counter clockwise or clockwise respectively.

By referring to Fig 1 , 2 and 11 again, a vertical shaft has been replaced on bearings of same and also a twin vanes consisted of different parts, such as doorframe, doors, hinges, guides which are attached to an upper door-frame  or a lower doorframe etc. as such doors being experienced free pivotal about their hinges as their response to the wind around as the maximum angle to the doorframe as 90° .

By focusing at the upper bar of a particular twin vane, it has been laid down at a horizontal plane at a particular height while lower bar of the successive vane lying on the same horizontal plane to prevent the leaking out  wind through.

By referring to Fig 1 and 2 further, the free terminals of each twin vane strongly clamped by a horizontally laid bar positioned around the free terminals of successive twin vanes.

By referring to Fig 1, 2 and 11, all the arms of the vanes are fabricated with non metallic, light weighted strong material.

Description of a twin vane by using angle Ѳ  

Description of  the behavior of a twin vane by using angle Ѳ (Ѳ=0°initial line of position by a particular door) which is to the wind direction

By Referring to fig 2 again, a particular twin vane has been focused. Suppose  that such particular twin vane being now launched as the counter the wind direction at the movement of its location as perpendicular to the wind direction. Such  counter movement is measured by the angle Ѳ, is considered to be at the angle the zero (0°) at such moment perpendicular movement.


And subsequent particular 5 locations have been also focused to be studied for more details about the behaviour by the system, during the period of its launching ahead as Ѳ>0°) gradually for a cycle.

  • when, 0° <Ɵ <π/2
  • when, θ= π/2
  • when, π/2<θ<3π/4
  • when, θ= π
  • when, π<Ɵ<5π/4




  • when 0< Ɵ < π /2

The system being launched to the clockwise as counter the wind direction, causing both type of doors to be kept up greatly open at the angle of 90° to their doorframes and finally as have moved up for another 45° the clockwise opening doors only being initiated the process of their closings by themselves due to favorable wind for their closing, as causing to initiate the process of harness by the system while the other set remain opening condition as not contribution to the harness.

  • when, θ= π/2

At such time,  the  clockwise opening doors are already closed up for contribution to the harness while the other set of doors of counter clockwise opening, remains  opened up causing no harness by such doors.

  • when, π/2 < Ɵ <3 π /4

At such time, clockwise opening doors are  at closed up state already due to the effect of favorable wind force while the other set of doors  of the same twin vane are  also subject to the process of closing, due to favorable heavy centrifugal force effective on them.

  • when θ= π

At such time both the sets of doors are kept on closed up state due to the perpendicularly striking heavy wind force on the clockwise opening doors and the favorable heavy centrifugal forces on the counter clockwise opening doors respectively. In a few seconds the clockwise opening doors is beginning to be opening due to heavy centrifugal force.

  • when π<Ɵ <5 π /4 being explained by Figure – 3

In such case the clockwise opening doors continuous to be widening their opening space further and further as  finally to be fully open up at  the angle of 90° to their doorframs while the remaining set of doors are continuously kept on closed up state due to the favorable effect of centrifugal force on them. Latter doors only contributes to the harness at such time. and the system with such condition, explains us that the advantageous of the application of doors as twin type.

What happen to the system, when it is in between π≤ θ≤5π/4 as explained by the Fig  5

Here same single doorframe has been utilized to replace a twin type frame. In such case of proposed system of twin type vanes, is caused to integrate their harness together, which were expected to harness at separate two places by  a systems of clockwise opening doors or by the system of counter clockwise opening doors. since the clockwise opening doors keep at the open up state as the effectiveness of centrifugal force  against their  closing state  that is not causing the contribution to the harness, while counter clockwise opening doors are remained fully closed  up state as the effectiveness of the centrifugal force as favorable on them aby blocking the wind.



Fig 8:-

Is explained us that the typical behavior of the single type vane doors and  the wind, since some quantity of wind possible to be leaking through a particular single door type does not cause to contribute to the harness.

Fig 9:-

Is explained us that how the clockwise opening doors are opened up due to the resultant force of centrifugal force together with the component of wind force effective against the closing of such doors.

Reference to,

Date of Patent: Jan 29  1985

Fig -10

Explains us that the quantity of loss of power which should be expected, if the opening span of a set of doors has been kept as maximum at the angle as 45° (π/4) to their doorfram, when they are moving counter the wind.

When a vane is moving as counter the wind, its door subject to the block the wind, creating an additional resistant against center shaft of the  system resulting,

1)         output of harness at lower quantity.

2)         as the ultimatum such force heavy  condition, could be leading to  be demolished the system.


The calculation related to the loss of harness


Let, L – width of door

Since the angle created in between AB and BC  is as a right angle,

AC  =  Lcos45°

=    L 1/2

=  0.71 L

Base on the above condition of angle of 45°, as much as 71% of its full capacity of harness could be degenerated.





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