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Research & InnovationScience Insider

Indigenous Chicken for Meat Purpose

Prof SC Somasiri

Indigenous chicken for meat purpose

The research team is Prof SC Somasiri (Principal Investigator), Ms KGNH Kumari, Ms MAAP Kumari, Prof WAD Nayananjalie, Prof AMJB Adikari and GAKN Getamanna of the Department of Animal and Food Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka.


Presently, broilers are slaughtered and marketed in less than 42 days of age. Thus, there are concerns related to use of hormones, antibiotics and growth promoters with the formulated rations that are used to feed broilers. Similarly public interest is emerging on issues related to animal welfare, biosecurity, health and sustainability of genetically improved high producing strains/lines etc related to the broiler industry. Hence, there is a trend among Sri Lankans to deviate from broiler meat to indigenous chicken meat considering the flavour and quality. However, the supply of indigenous chicken meat to market is scarce and inconsistent. Unlike the broiler industry, there is no organized market network or a proper feeding system for indigenous chicken reared for meat purpose in Sri Lanka. In the present study the chicken were reared under semi-intensive management system under the silvo-pastoral system with restricted concentrate feeding for a minimum period of 81 days. The concentrated feed was a cereal-based non-medicated formulated ration without including any animal origin ingredients. A kilogram of this chicken meat was sold at a premium price than the broiler meat and there was a higher demand for the pasture-raised indigenous chicken meat from the consumer.

Keywords: Chicken meat, Non-medicated feed, Semi-intensive management, Silvopastoral system, village chicken

 Impact of the study

We have experienced that the indigenous chicken meat produced from this system would be a completely different brand of chicken meat. As the chicken was reared until they reach 81 days of age or one kg of body weight the farmers could supply meat at a continuous rate if the system is organized accordingly. The feed was formulated using low-cost feed ingredients. Unlike in the broiler industry where the feeding component is more than 75% of the total cost, in this indigenous chicken meat industry the feed cost was comparatively low as only 50% of the daily requirement was fed. This would generate a demand for day-old indigenous chicks from the farming community. Presently there is a handful of hatcheries available in Sri Lanka to supply these day-old indigenous chicks. This could generate new business ventures for interested entrepreneurs. Further, this system of indigenous chicken meat production would empower the rural farmer (especially women) and it would also provide valuable nutrients to the farm family. With an organized market channel, this system would enhance the rural farmer’s income. This system would be a low-input sustainable farming system without adverse environmental hazards.

Some key facts and data

 Live weight at slaughter = 1050 kg per bird

Carcass weight = 757.5 g per bird

Dressing out Percentage = 72%

Feed Conversion Ratio = 1.1

Funding Partner

This study was funded by National Research Council, Colombo Sri Lanka. Grant number is 20-079.

Prof SC Somasiri
Department of Animal and Food Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture
Rajarata University of Sri Lanka


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