Vidya இதழின் இரண்டாவது அத்தியாயத்தின் மூலம் பிரபஞ்சத்தின் அதிசயங்களை ஆராய்வோம்

வித்யா-தொலைக்காட்சி ஆவணப்படத்

A universal truth that we all have to agree on is that night time is the most wonderful. There is no doubt that the sky is what makes the night so beautiful. You may not be able to perceive this if you are in an urban area illuminated by artificial lights. Imagine you are on a clear, dark, moonless night, unaffected by city lights. As you look up, you will see a beautiful scene that no poet’s words can truly describe and no painter’s brush can truly paint.
We have booked the second episode of the Vidya-Television documentary series to allow Sri Lankan viewers to explore the wonders of the universe and the unique patterns displayed by the sky with modern technology.
For thousands of years, man has been gazing up at the sky out of curiosity about the various phenomena of the universe. This raised many questions about the thoughts of our ancestors.
How was the universe created?

Where did the earth, moon and sun come from?

What are planets and stars made of?

How do we fit into this?

What is our place in the cosmic scope of space and time?
The search for answers to these mysterious questions will let you know how it evolved from simple technologies to modern technological applications in the field of astronomy and space technology. As well as these questions lead to the exploration of the planets, the unique achievements of man during this long journey, and how, during this journey, this field of matter affects the current society and people’s lives. You will also be informed through this programme.

Join us to watch the Vidya Documentary program on Sunday 26th of this month at 7.00 PM on National Rupavahini.


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